Nâng cấp dữ liệu một Program Account

Làm thế nào để có thể nâng cấp dữ liệu trong Program Account?

Khi bạn tạo một Program, mỗi Account dữ liệu sẽ được gán cho Program đó với cấu trục dữ liệu cụ thể. Nếu bạn từng nâng cấp Program và Program này dùng để suy ra các PDA, bạn chắc hẳn đã phải đau đầu với hàng tá những Account với cấu trúc gắn với Program cũ.

Với việc đánh phiên bản cho Account, bạn có thể dễ dàng nâng cấp cấu trúc mới cho các Account cũ .

Lưu ý

Đây chỉ là một trong rất nhiều cách khác nhau để nâng cấp dữ liệu trong Program Owned Accounts (POA).

Ngữ cảnh

Để đánh phiên bản và nâng cấp dữ liệu trong Account, chúng ta sẽ phải cung cấp một id cho từng Account. Id này sẽ cho phép chúng ta định rõ phiên bản của Account khi truyền nó cho Program, và như vậy có thể xử lý Account một cách chính xác.

Quan sát trạng thái bên dưới của Account và Program:

Program Account v1
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//! @brief account_state manages account data

use arrayref::{array_ref, array_refs};
use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
use solana_program::{
    program_pack::{IsInitialized, Pack, Sealed},
use std::{io::BufWriter, mem};

/// Currently using state. If version changes occur, this
/// should be copied to another serializable backlevel one
/// before adding new fields here
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct AccountContentCurrent {
    pub somevalue: u64,

/// Maintains account data
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct ProgramAccountState {
    is_initialized: bool,
    data_version: u8,
    account_data: AccountContentCurrent,

impl ProgramAccountState {
    /// Signal initialized
    pub fn set_initialized(&mut self) {
        self.is_initialized = true;
    /// Get the initialized flag
    pub fn initialized(&self) -> bool {
    /// Gets the current data version
    pub fn version(&self) -> u8 {
    /// Get the reference to content structure
    pub fn content(&self) -> &AccountContentCurrent {
    /// Get the mutable reference to content structure
    pub fn content_mut(&mut self) -> &mut AccountContentCurrent {
        &mut self.account_data

/// Declaration of the current data version.
pub const DATA_VERSION: u8 = 0;
/// Account allocated size
pub const ACCOUNT_ALLOCATION_SIZE: usize = 1024;
/// Initialized flag is 1st byte of data block
const IS_INITIALIZED: usize = 1;
/// Data version (current) is 2nd byte of data block
const DATA_VERSION_ID: usize = 1;

/// Previous content data size (before changing this is equal to current)
pub const PREVIOUS_VERSION_DATA_SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<AccountContentCurrent>();
/// Total space occupied by previous account data
pub const PREVIOUS_ACCOUNT_SPACE: usize =

/// Current content data size
pub const CURRENT_VERSION_DATA_SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<AccountContentCurrent>();
/// Total usage for data only
/// How much of 1024 is used
/// Current space used by header (initialized, data version and Content)

/// Future data migration logic that converts prior state of data
/// to current state of data
fn conversion_logic(src: &[u8]) -> Result<ProgramAccountState, ProgramError> {
    let past = array_ref![src, 0, PREVIOUS_ACCOUNT_SPACE];
    let (initialized, _, _account_space) = array_refs![
    // Logic to uplift from previous version
    // GOES HERE

    // Give back
    Ok(ProgramAccountState {
        is_initialized: initialized[0] != 0u8,
        data_version: DATA_VERSION,
        account_data: AccountContentCurrent::default(),
impl Sealed for ProgramAccountState {}

impl IsInitialized for ProgramAccountState {
    fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool {

impl Pack for ProgramAccountState {
    const LEN: usize = ACCOUNT_STATE_SPACE;

    /// Store 'state' of account to its data area
    fn pack_into_slice(&self, dst: &mut [u8]) {
        let mut bw = BufWriter::new(dst);
        self.serialize(&mut bw).unwrap();

    /// Retrieve 'state' of account from account data area
    fn unpack_from_slice(src: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
        let initialized = src[0] != 0;
        // Check initialized
        if initialized {
            // Version check
            if src[1] == DATA_VERSION {
                msg!("Processing consistent data");
                    ProgramAccountState::try_from_slice(array_ref![src, 0, CURRENT_USED_SIZE])
            } else {
                msg!("Processing backlevel data");
        } else {
            msg!("Processing pre-initialized data");
            Ok(ProgramAccountState {
                is_initialized: false,
                data_version: DATA_VERSION,
                account_data: AccountContentCurrent::default(),
//! instruction Contains the main ProgramInstruction enum

use {
    borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize},

#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// All custom program instructions
pub enum ProgramInstruction {

impl ProgramInstruction {
    /// Unpack inbound buffer to associated Instruction
    /// The expected format for input is a Borsh serialized vector
    pub fn unpack(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
        let payload = ProgramInstruction::try_from_slice(input).unwrap();
        match payload {
            ProgramInstruction::InitializeAccount => Ok(payload),
            ProgramInstruction::SetU64Value(_) => Ok(payload),
            _ => Err(DataVersionError::InvalidInstruction.into()),
//! Resolve instruction and execute

use crate::{
    account_state::ProgramAccountState, error::DataVersionError, instruction::ProgramInstruction,
use solana_program::{
    account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},
    program_pack::{IsInitialized, Pack},

/// Checks each tracking account to confirm it is owned by our program
/// This function assumes that the program account is always the last
/// in the array
fn check_account_ownership(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {
    // Accounts must be owned by the program.
    for account in accounts.iter().take(accounts.len() - 1) {
        if account.owner != program_id {
                "Fail: The tracking account owner is {} and it should be {}.",
            return Err(ProgramError::IncorrectProgramId);

/// Initialize the programs account, which is the first in accounts
fn initialize_account(accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Initialize account");
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let program_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let mut account_data = program_account.data.borrow_mut();
    // Just using unpack will check to see if initialized and will
    // fail if not
    let mut account_state = ProgramAccountState::unpack_unchecked(&account_data)?;
    // Where this is a logic error in trying to initialize the same account more than once
    if account_state.is_initialized() {
        return Err(DataVersionError::AlreadyInitializedState.into());
    } else {
        account_state.content_mut().somevalue = 1;
    msg!("Account Initialized");
    // Serialize
    ProgramAccountState::pack(account_state, &mut account_data)

/// Sets the u64 in the content structure
fn set_u64_value(accounts: &[AccountInfo], value: u64) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Set new value {}", value);
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let program_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let mut account_data = program_account.data.borrow_mut();
    let mut account_state = ProgramAccountState::unpack(&account_data)?;
    account_state.content_mut().somevalue = value;
    // Serialize
    ProgramAccountState::pack(account_state, &mut account_data)
/// Main processing entry point dispatches to specific
/// instruction handlers
pub fn process(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Received process request");
    // Check the account for program relationship
    if let Err(error) = check_account_ownership(program_id, accounts) {
        return Err(error);
    // Unpack the inbound data, mapping instruction to appropriate structure
    let instruction = ProgramInstruction::unpack(instruction_data)?;
    match instruction {
        ProgramInstruction::InitializeAccount => initialize_account(accounts),
        ProgramInstruction::SetU64Value(value) => set_u64_value(accounts, value),
        _ => {
            msg!("Received unknown instruction");

Trong phiên bản đầu tiên của Account, chúng ta thực hiện các bước sau:

#Mô tả
1Thêm trường data_version vào dữ liệu. Nó có thể đơn giản là số thứ tự (u8) hoặc có thể phức tạp hơn thế.
2Phân phát một vùng nhớ đủ để chứa dữ liệu
3Khởi tạo một hằng số biễu diễn phiên bản cho các Program khác nhau
4Thêm một hàm cập nhật Account với tên fn conversion_logic cho các nâng cấp trong tương lai

Giả sử, chúng ta muốn nâng cấp các Account của Program bằng cách thêm một trường mới với tên somestring.

Nếu chúng ta không phân phát đủ vùng nhớ cho trường mới thêm cho các Account trước đó, quá trình nâng cấp Account sẽ bị mắc kẹt.

Nâng cấp Account

Trong Program mới, chúng ta muốn thêm một thuộc tính mới cho nội dung của Account. Những thay đổi bên dưới trình bày cách chúng ta tận dụng cơ cấu Program ban đầu cho phiên bản hiện tại.

1. Thêm luận lý để chuyển đổi Account

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//! @brief account_state manages account data

use arrayref::{array_ref, array_refs};
use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
use solana_program::{
    program_pack::{IsInitialized, Pack, Sealed},
use std::{io::BufWriter, mem};

/// Current state (DATA_VERSION 1). If version changes occur, this
/// should be copied to another (see AccountContentOld below)
/// We've added a new field: 'somestring'
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct AccountContentCurrent {
    pub somevalue: u64,
    pub somestring: String,

/// Old content state (DATA_VERSION 0).
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct AccountContentOld {
    pub somevalue: u64,

/// Maintains account data
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct ProgramAccountState {
    is_initialized: bool,
    data_version: u8,
    account_data: AccountContentCurrent,

impl ProgramAccountState {
    /// Signal initialized
    pub fn set_initialized(&mut self) {
        self.is_initialized = true;
    /// Get the initialized flag
    pub fn initialized(&self) -> bool {
    /// Gets the current data version
    pub fn version(&self) -> u8 {
    /// Get the reference to content structure
    pub fn content(&self) -> &AccountContentCurrent {
    /// Get the mutable reference to content structure
    pub fn content_mut(&mut self) -> &mut AccountContentCurrent {
        &mut self.account_data

/// Declaration of the current data version.
const DATA_VERSION: u8 = 1; // Adding string to content
                            // Previous const DATA_VERSION: u8 = 0;

/// Account allocated size
const ACCOUNT_ALLOCATION_SIZE: usize = 1024;
/// Initialized flag is 1st byte of data block
const IS_INITIALIZED: usize = 1;
/// Data version (current) is 2nd byte of data block
const DATA_VERSION_ID: usize = 1;

/// Previous content data size (before changing this is equal to current)
const PREVIOUS_VERSION_DATA_SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<AccountContentOld>();
/// Total space occupied by previous account data

/// Current content data size
const CURRENT_VERSION_DATA_SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<AccountContentCurrent>();
/// Total usage for data only
/// How much of 1024 is used
/// Current space used by header (initialized, data version and Content)

/// Future data migration logic that converts prior state of data
/// to current state of data
fn conversion_logic(src: &[u8]) -> Result<ProgramAccountState, ProgramError> {
    let past = array_ref![src, 0, PREVIOUS_ACCOUNT_SPACE];
    let (initialized, _, account_space) = array_refs![
    // Logic to upgrade from previous version
    // GOES HERE
    let old = try_from_slice_unchecked::<AccountContentOld>(account_space).unwrap();
    // Default sets 'somevalue' to 0 and somestring to default ""
    let mut new_content = AccountContentCurrent::default();
    // We copy the existing 'somevalue', the program instructions will read/update 'somestring' without fail
    new_content.somevalue = old.somevalue;

    // Give back
    Ok(ProgramAccountState {
        is_initialized: initialized[0] != 0u8,
        data_version: DATA_VERSION,
        account_data: new_content,
impl Sealed for ProgramAccountState {}

impl IsInitialized for ProgramAccountState {
    fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool {

impl Pack for ProgramAccountState {
    const LEN: usize = ACCOUNT_STATE_SPACE;

    /// Store 'state' of account to its data area
    fn pack_into_slice(&self, dst: &mut [u8]) {
        let mut bw = BufWriter::new(dst);
        self.serialize(&mut bw).unwrap();

    /// Retrieve 'state' of account from account data area
    fn unpack_from_slice(src: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
        let initialized = src[0] != 0;
        // Check initialized
        if initialized {
            // Version check
            if src[1] == DATA_VERSION {
                msg!("Processing consistent version data");
            } else {
                msg!("Processing backlevel data");
        } else {
            msg!("Processing pre-initialized data");
            Ok(ProgramAccountState {
                is_initialized: false,
                data_version: DATA_VERSION,
                account_data: AccountContentCurrent::default(),
DòngMô tả
6Chúng ta đã thêm solana_program::borsh::try_from_slice_unchecked của Solana để đơn giản hoá việc đọc các tập dữ liệu con từ khối dữ liệu cha
13-26Ở đây, chúng ta phải giữ lại phiên bản cũ, AccountContentOld tại dòng 24, trước khi mở rộng nó thành AccountContentCurrent tại dòng 17.
60Nâng cấp lại hằng số DATA_VERSION
71Chúng ta giờ đã có một phiên bản cũ, đồng thời lưu lại kích thước của nó
86Cuối cùng là thêm logic cho quá trình nâng cấp phiên bản dữ liệu cũ thành phiên bản hiện hành

Sau đó chúng ta cập nhật hàm mới để thêm vào trường somestring và khai báo luận lý của chỉ thị mới trong processor. Lưu ý việc nâng cấp cấu trúc dữ liệu đã được đóng gói trong pack/unpack.

//! instruction Contains the main VersionProgramInstruction enum

use {
    borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize},
    solana_program::{borsh::try_from_slice_unchecked, msg, program_error::ProgramError},

#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// All custom program instructions
pub enum VersionProgramInstruction {
    SetString(String), // Added with data version change

impl VersionProgramInstruction {
    /// Unpack inbound buffer to associated Instruction
    /// The expected format for input is a Borsh serialized vector
    pub fn unpack(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
        let payload = try_from_slice_unchecked::<VersionProgramInstruction>(input).unwrap();
        // let payload = VersionProgramInstruction::try_from_slice(input).unwrap();
        match payload {
            VersionProgramInstruction::InitializeAccount => Ok(payload),
            VersionProgramInstruction::SetU64Value(_) => Ok(payload),
            VersionProgramInstruction::SetString(_) => Ok(payload), // Added with data version change
            _ => Err(DataVersionError::InvalidInstruction.into()),
//! Resolve instruction and execute

use crate::{
    account_state::ProgramAccountState, error::DataVersionError,
use solana_program::{
    account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},
    program_pack::{IsInitialized, Pack},

/// Checks each tracking account to confirm it is owned by our program
/// This function assumes that the program account is always the last
/// in the array
fn check_account_ownership(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {
    // Accounts must be owned by the program.
    for account in accounts.iter().take(accounts.len() - 1) {
        if account.owner != program_id {
                "Fail: The tracking account owner is {} and it should be {}.",
            return Err(ProgramError::IncorrectProgramId);

/// Initialize the programs account, which is the first in accounts
fn initialize_account(accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Initialize account");
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let program_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let mut account_data = program_account.data.borrow_mut();
    // Just using unpack will check to see if initialized and will
    // fail if not
    let mut account_state = ProgramAccountState::unpack_unchecked(&account_data)?;
    // Where this is a logic error in trying to initialize the same account more than once
    if account_state.is_initialized() {
        return Err(DataVersionError::AlreadyInitializedState.into());
    } else {
        account_state.content_mut().somevalue = 1;
    msg!("Account Initialized");
    // Serialize
    ProgramAccountState::pack(account_state, &mut account_data)

/// Sets the u64 in the content structure
fn set_u64_value(accounts: &[AccountInfo], value: u64) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Set new value {}", value);
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let program_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let mut account_data = program_account.data.borrow_mut();
    let mut account_state = ProgramAccountState::unpack(&account_data)?;
    account_state.content_mut().somevalue = value;
    // Serialize
    ProgramAccountState::pack(account_state, &mut account_data)

/// Sets the string in the content structure
fn set_string_value(accounts: &[AccountInfo], value: String) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Set new string {}", value);
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let program_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let mut account_data = program_account.data.borrow_mut();
    let mut account_state = ProgramAccountState::unpack(&account_data)?;
    account_state.content_mut().somestring = value;
    // Serialize
    ProgramAccountState::pack(account_state, &mut account_data)
/// Main processing entry point dispatches to specific
/// instruction handlers
pub fn process(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Received process request 0.2.0");
    // Check the account for program relationship
    if let Err(error) = check_account_ownership(program_id, accounts) {
        return Err(error);
    // Unpack the inbound data, mapping instruction to appropriate structure
    msg!("Attempting to unpack");
    let instruction = VersionProgramInstruction::unpack(instruction_data)?;
    match instruction {
        VersionProgramInstruction::InitializeAccount => initialize_account(accounts),
        VersionProgramInstruction::SetU64Value(value) => set_u64_value(accounts, value),
        VersionProgramInstruction::SetString(value) => set_string_value(accounts, value),
        _ => {
            msg!("Received unknown instruction");

Sau khi xây dựng và áp dụng chỉ thị VersionProgramInstruction::SetString(String), chúng ta sẽ thấy dữ liệu Account được cập nhật sẽ được sắp xếp như sau:

Program Account v2

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