Debugging Solana Programs

There are a number of options and supporting tools for testing and debugging a Solana program.


Fact Sheet

  • The crate solana-program-test enables use of bare bones local runtime where you can test and debug your program interactively (e.g. in vscode).
  • The crate solana-validator enables use of the solana-test-validator implementation for more robust testing that occurs on a local validator node. You can run from the editor but breakpoints in the program are ignored.
  • The CLI tool solana-test-validator runs and loads your program and processes transaction execution from command line Rust applications or Javascript/Typescript applications using web3.
  • For all the above, liberal use of msg! macro in your program is recommended at the start and then removing them as you test and ensure rock solid behavior. Remember that msg! consumes Compute Units which can eventually fail your program by hitting the Compute Unit budget caps.

The steps in the following sections use the solana-program-bpf-template. Clone that to your machine:

git clone
cd solana-bpf-program-template
code .

Runtime Testing and Debugging in editor

Open the file src/

You'll see that the program is a pretty simple and basically just logs the content received by the program entrypoint function: process_instruction

  1. Go to the #[cfg(test)] section and click Run Tests. This will build the program and then execute the async fn test_transaction() test. You will see the log messages (simplified) in the vscode terminal below the source.
running 1 test
"bpf_program_template" program loaded as native code
Program 4uQeVj5tqViQh7yWWGStvkEG1Zmhx6uasJtWCJziofM invoke [1]
Program log: process_instruction: 4uQeVj5tqViQh7yWWGStvkEG1Zmhx6uasJtWCJziofM: 1 accounts, data=[1, 2, 3]
Program 4uQeVj5tqViQh7yWWGStvkEG1Zmhx6uasJtWCJziofM success
test test::test_transaction ... ok
test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 33.41s
  1. Set a breakpoint on the programs msg! line (11)
  2. Back in the test module, click Debug and within seconds the debugger will stop on the breakpoint and now you can examine data, step through functions, etc., etc..

These tests are also run from the command line with: cargo test or cargo test-bpf. Of course any breakpoints will be ignored.

How groovy can you get!


Keep in mind you are not using a validator node so default programs, blockhashes, etc. are not represented or will not behave as they would when running in validator node. This is why the gang at Solana gave us Local Validator Node testing!

Local Validator Node Testing in editor

Integration testing using programmatic loading of a local validator node is defined in the tests/ file.

By default, the template repo integration tests will only be runnable from the command line using cargo test-bpf. The following steps will enable you to run within the editor as well as displaying program validator logs and msg! outputs from your program:

  1. In the repo directory run cargo build-bpf to build the sample program
  2. In the editor, open tests/
  3. Comment out line 1 -> // #![cfg(feature = "test-bpf")]
  4. On line 19 change it to read: .add_program("target/deploy/bpf_program_template", program_id)
  5. Insert the following at line 22 solana_logger::setup_with_default("solana_runtime::message=debug");
  6. Click Run Test above the test_validator_transaction() function

This will load the validator node then allowing you to construct a transaction (the Rust way) and submit to the node using the RcpClient.

The program's output will also print out in the editor terminal. For example (simplified):

running 1 test
Waiting for fees to stabilize 1...
Waiting for fees to stabilize 2...
Program 4uQeVj5tqViQh7yWWGStvkEG1Zmhx6uasJtWCJziofM invoke [1]
Program log: process_instruction: 4uQeVj5tqViQh7yWWGStvkEG1Zmhx6uasJtWCJziofM: 1 accounts, data=[1, 2, 3]
Program 4uQeVj5tqViQh7yWWGStvkEG1Zmhx6uasJtWCJziofM consumed 13027 of 200000 compute units
Program 4uQeVj5tqViQh7yWWGStvkEG1Zmhx6uasJtWCJziofM success

test test_validator_transaction ... ok
test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 6.40s

Debugging here will allow you to debug the functions and methods used in the test body but will not breakpoint in your program.

The bee's knees eh?

Local Validator Node Testing from Client Apps

Lastly, you can start a local validating node and load your program and any accounts using the solana-test-validator from the command line.

In this approach, you will need a client application either using Rust RcpClient or in JavaScript or Typescript clients

See solana-test-validator --help for more details and options. For the example program here is vanilla setup:

  1. Open a terminal in the repo folder
  2. Run solana config set -ul to set the configuration to point to local
  3. Run solana-test-validator --bpf-program target/deploy/bpf_program_template-keypair.json target/deploy/
  4. Open another terminal and run solana logs to start the log streamer
  5. You can then run your client program and observe program output in the terminal where you started the log streamer

Now that is the cat's pajamas YO!


solana-program-bpf-templateopen in new window

RcpClientopen in new window

JavaScript/Typescript Libraryopen in new window

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